Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Essay Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Assignment - Essay Example Therefore, the government and private sector must work hand in hand in order to enhance cyber security. The government is justified in telling the private sector how to enhance or improve cyber security because there is urgent need to protect and secure our processors/computers , financial institutions, confidential information on national security and other significant aspects of the governments infrastructure (Kirby n.p). The government is calling on a tough government regulation of what is posted in the cyber space. The government understands that the computer systems needs to be secure because of the ever increasing function of information and the rapid growth in e-commerce area have made cyber security significant to the economy. In addition, cyber security is important to the functioning of safety essential systems like response to an emergency and to the guard of government’s infrastructure systems. The private sector have been opposing governments efforts to impose stricter regulation of cyber security but it is of great significance to protect the telecommunication sector and electric grid that is in the hands of the private sector. If a United States of America enemy attacked the computer system or networks that control these sectors, private organizations that own them would have to handle these network themselves without government’s aid. Such a situation will leave the United States of America infrastructure exposed and vulnerable in case of cyber war with its enemies (Kirby n.p). Private sectors should understand that the world has changed and that we are in an information society where data or information matters, therefore, as organizations, this makes them the front line not the support system in influencing and determining what is exposed or disseminated. The government released that private industry has been lacking behind in cyber security and that

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